Sunday, November 6, 2011

An interesting fact. Locating system of perception of black knife or Black Ghost Knifefish (Apteronotus albifrons)

Scientists around the world are watching with interest the possibility of propagation of electrical signals marine animals and fish. Today, this phenomenon of nature is simulated on computers and in the process of learning offers a variety of forms and methods of production and use of electrical signals in the water.
 Locating system of perception of Black Ghost Knifefish (Apteronotus albifrons) - aquarium fish. Electricity is used in an environment of sea creatures millions of years. The man learned a lot from the wise mother - nature. And maybe, now came to the chief his discovery.
"Black Knife" (Apteronotus albifrons)  - Apteronotus albifrons - a fish that inhabits the waters of the Amazon. Biologists are interested then in what way she get their food: Apteronotus albifrons uses a system of "radar vision" of the location of their prey by means of a special body.
 Researchers at Northwestern University - Malcolm MacIver and James Snyder working on a computer analogue of the "electric" organ of a unique fish. The purpose of their research is to study the functions of the body with the help of computer simulation.

Fish Knife or Black Ghost Knifefish swims at a speed of 10 centimeters per second, creating an electromagnetic field around a radius of 3.5 centimeters. In this zone, the electric interaction of Apteronotus albifrons "see" their prey by means of radar system of perception of the environment.

black knife or Black Ghost Knifefish (Apteronotus albifrons)
 "There are other marine species that use their livelihoods electrical signals - you ask - what is so unique in that fish?". The fact that other marine animals "electric organ" is a pair and creates a cone-shaped electric field. This quality provides certain advantages, the ability to detect prey at a distance of 20 meters. Coverage of electromagnetic waves generated by Apteronotus albifrons, is cylindrical in shape, surrounding the whole body of fish. But this makes it possible to "see" very small prey - crustaceans daphnia, for example, in any place around him, within the electromagnetic field.

Black Ghost Knifefish, black knife (Apteronotus albifrons) - aquarium fish

Apteronotus albifrons inhabits slowly flowing waters and overgrown upper and middle parts of the Amazon Basin (Peru, Bolivia, Colombia, Brazil). Refers to the weakly electric fish. Black knife appeared in our tanks in the mid-eighties.
Black Ghost Knifefish, black knife (Apteronotus albifrons) - aquarium fish.

Apteronotus albifrons has an elongated body
without a scaly, gradually narrowing to the tail. Line acute abdomen. The head is large, the mouth end. Around the caudal peduncle is a body emits weak electrical impulses to help apteronotus protected and guided in the murky water in search of food. Dorsal and ventral fins are absent. Fat can be extended in the form of filaments. Anal fin well developed, extending from head to tail. With its undulating movements can move in any direction. The caudal fin is small. Painted apteronotus albifrons in a velvet-black with a white line on the back and two yellowish-white transverse stripes on the caudal peduncle. Anal fin black velvet. Sex differences: in males at the back is sometimes present wen, female less than male and has a convex belly. In nature apteronotus albifrons reaches a length of 50 cm in the aquarium grows no more than 35-40 cm.
Apteronotus albifrons benthic and nocturnal fish. During the day, hiding in the shelter and left him only during feeding. Between adult males often clash over territory, so it is best to contain iron knives individually. If you still got more than one individual, it is desirable to provide them in an aquarium large number of shelters (snags, caves, etc.). Black knife (apteronotus albifrons or Black Ghost Knifefish) is compatible with any peaceful fish, except for a very mobile and aggressive fish (can be uncomfortable for shy apteronotusam), smaller species (such as guppies and neon, which they may be mistaken for food) and barbs that may damage the rather delicate 
apteronotus albifrons fins.

apteronotus albifrons necessary in an aquarium of 200 liters with a lot of hiding places (rocks and structures of these snags), sometimes overgrown with plants. Parameters for optimum water content apteronotusa belokaymovogo: hardness 4-18 °, pH 6-7.5, temperature 20-25 ° C. Required filtration (best to use a peat filter), a powerful aeration and weekly replacement of up to 35-40% of the volume of water. Apteronotus belokaymovy susceptible to ihtioftiriozu. In the treatment can not use products containing zinc.
Black Ghost Knifefish, black knife (Apteronotus albifrons).
Apteronotus albifrons under natural conditions feed on insect larvae and fry of fish. The aquarium willingly eats frozen food (bloodworms, tubifex, shrimp, squid, etc.). Pretty is not easy, but you can still teach him to artificial feed.
The process of breeding
Apteronotus albifrons quite difficult. You need a tank capacity of 80-100 liters. Water parameters: hardness 6 °, pH 6.3, temperature 25-26 ° C. Spawning put 2 males and 1 female. In order to stimulate spawning initially reduce the water level and temperature is increased, then increase the level and add water a few jets daily for 3-4 hours for 2-3 weeks while reducing stiffness. Inlet suction tube filter is desirable to close the grid, so as not to hit the eggs, set several nozzles that create a strong current of water (spawning occurs in its jet). The female lays apteronotus albifrons up to 500 eggs. After spawning at once removed manufacturers, and eggs are transferred to an incubator with a water level 15 cm, low aeration and diffused lighting. The incubation period is 36-96 hours. At this time it is necessary to closely monitor the development of eggs and remove the dead eggs. The water should be rich in oxygen, it is desirable to frequently substitute up to 50% of the volume of water is also helpful to add common salt (1 g / l). The larvae of the black knife fear the light and hammered into any slot. After 60 hours the fry begin to feed. Starter feed - small zooplankton. At the age of 1 month fry apteronotus albifrons get coloring and shape of the adult fish. Starting with two months of age for juvenile should provide a sufficient number of shelters, as at this time, they begin to fight, often chewed off with each other caudal peduncle.
Puberty apteronotus albifrons reaches the age of 1-1.5 years.